Cementerio de Cristóbal Colón

The Colon Cemetery, has 57 hectares and is the country's largest cemetery. Importate has a number of sculptures and architectural works within, by which many experts place it as second in importance world, preceded only by the Staglieno in Genoa, Italy.
The necropolis is one of the richest in America culturally because of its sculptures and architecture, its doors there is a monument of Carrara marble 34 meters long and 21 high where we see represented the theological virtues of charity, faith and hope.
Many of their pantheons are recreation scale colonial mansions at other times their original owners. Arches, domes and stained glass artfully decorate the funeral constructions. The most visited grave is that of Amelia Goire de la Hoz, a lady of high society, which is known as La Milagrosa.
Type: Park
Year built:1866-1957
Address: Calzada de Zapata y Calle 12, Vedado.
Phone:+53 7 8344212- 8344218
Author: Igor Polevitsky y Manuel Carrerá , Calixto Arellano de Loira y Cardoso
Style: Rationalism
Area of interest: Music, Architecture, Literature, History, Politics, Tradition
Services: Religious temple
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