Finca Vigía de Ernest Hemingway

On Sunday May 15, 1960. We remember a historic moment, the handshake between Ernest Hemingway and Fidel Castro. It was the tenth time that a fishing tournament needle with the name of the famous American writer and organizers of the event made the relevant arrangements for the momentous event occurred was done.
Eight hours of competition were enough for the leader of the Cuban Revolution, without departing a moment of the rod and reel, was erected a maximum single accumulator.
Hemingway said: "After so long in this country I consider a real Cuban."
Fidel said: "I never saw anything so wonderful as The Old Man and the Sea. He also explained that For Whom the Bell Tolls had a great influence on a stage of life when he sought a way out of a difficult situation on the island.
In a suburb of Chicago, was born on July 21, 1898. His father was a doctor and in 1928 committed suicide after learning that had an incurable disease. He wanted his son to be a doctor, like him. It was his very fond of issues related to art mother. He wanted his son to be a musician; and to achieve this, submitted by largar hours your child to intense practices cello. Perhaps this stubbornness of mother and penances reduced to that, they took their son to constantly meditate; developing his talent as a writer.
He runs away from home fifteen, but later returned to continue studying. His outstanding skills and conditions as a football player and boxer, achieved popularity in school. After completing his studies in humanities; He starts working for a few months as a reporter in the newspaper "Kansas City Star". Work that will form its perfection as a reporter and writer for the future.
He was passionate about the adventures, which marked his life and work.
His tenth book, Have and Have Not, published in 1938. Its scenario typical "American." The plot unfolds between Key West, South Florida and the island of Cuba. In most of the book, Hemingway story focuses on the life and adventures of Harry Morgan. Man of few civilized manners, but bold. Morgan owns a boat that eventually leased to fishermen. But his main interest is smuggling. The work with the experiences of Morgan, is showing the life of Key West. For many fans of his work, Ernest Hemingway, he can prove his undeniable spiritual maturity as a writer. It describes, Harry Morgan, in his relentless and lonely struggle with life; and creates one of his most tough and consistent characters.
For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940), will be one of his most cherished novels. This mark adulthood writer, in the author's opinion. "For Whom the Bell Tolls" addresses conflicts during the Spanish civil war. It takes the film, starring Ingrid Bergman and Gary Cooper. Hemingway said on the eve of its publication, "They say that when one has forty years old should know enough and have the dough needed to write a good deed" "And I think I've written it now is." The title of the novel took Hemingway, a sentence of English poet John Donne concludes. "The death of any man diminishes me, because I am part of humanity and, therefore, do not send to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee. " From this it follows that this is a novel about death.
The love life of Ernest Hemingway continues the controversy and makes clear the independence of the writer. On November 4, 1940, after published For Whom the Bell Tolls, Pauline Pfeiffer divorced him in Key West; and on November 21, Ernest married Martha Gellhorn, in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Both traveled to China as war correspondents and also enjoy the honeymoon. When they return to America, traveling to Havana, Cuba, where they settled. His stay in the island paradise is interrupted by the start of World War II War.
When the war ended, he returned to Havana Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn divorces; to marry Mary Welsh. After a long stay in the hospital for an infection in the eye, caused by a shrapnel obtained in the second world war, back to back to Havana.
The discipline as a writer keeping with its unmistakable indiscipline. It was a careful writer, hence his talent. All his works were written and retouched several times over and over again, canceling all unnecessary; to achieve the kind that has become history and many have tried to imitate. A style obtained based on a careful selection and omission, in each of his writings. Hemingway hinted the characteristic features of his style: simple sentences, accurate descriptions and enigmatic dialogues. According to some analysts, it has been one of the best writers of literature
Nobody like he exerted greater influence on the writers of his own generation; "Lost generation" of two world wars. It is considered "the American Byron" because, like the English subject, rebelled against the established traditions. Disposal abstract and false romanticism. He sought to replace conventional values that were instilled in him; primitive and simple of the boxing rings, sports stadiums, bullrings of the brutal world war and exaltations.
Friend of justice, women, bohemian, bulls and the sea. Indeed, about life in the sea, is the novel The Old Man and the Sea, published in 1952. It tells the struggle of an old man with a big fish. Novel that is grouped among the most important in American literature; and, moreover, it is full of epic sense; reflects the simplicity and powerful expressive power of oratory, very escritor.Dentro the style of a royal order, consisting of linear history of Santiago (the central character), and other symbolic, with the meaning of life; the author constructs a realistic everything. In the end, what might appear a defeat is a great story. Actually, which it was a tribute to the fishermen of Cojimar, a nearby coastal town to Havana; was a key in 1954 to grant him the Nobel Prize for Literature element. Nineteen fifty-three is the year in which several parts of plane crashes gave him up for dead. The same year he received the Nobel Prize for Literature and can not receive personally for being convalescent. This work also received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953.
He decides to leave his estate to the east of Havana; after the revolutionary triumph that leads Fidel Castro. Never return to the island. Returns to the United States, and settled in the city of Ketchun, Idaho. Where he lives his last days.
In the mid-50s, a severe depression paranoid character began to confuse his mind. Forcing him to hospital for treatment on more than one occasion. One Sunday in July 1961, with the somewhat troubled memory, took his own life; as it did years before his father. When he supported both barrels of the shotgun Boss in his head and pulled both triggers simultaneously. The atrocity produced by the shots, never know if there encañonado facilitated the forehead or the mouth.
Type: Building
Year built:1886
Address: Finca Vigía Km. 12 ½, Havana. Cotorro. La Habana. Cuba
Phone:+53 7 910809
email:[email protected]
Opening times:Lunes - Sábado 10:00 - 17:00
Author: Ernest Hemingway
Style: Eclectic Style
Area of interest: Architecture, film, Literature, History, Politics, Interior or Industrial design
Services: Museum
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