Doña Eutimia





Famous restaurant recommended in all tourist guides frequented by tourists, excellent food in the heart of Old Havana.
Recommended to book in advance. This restaurant is frequented by many tourists, with first class attention and unsurpassed quality of traditional Cuban cuisine. A small but lovely place. Most of the time you must book. Great prices and variety. Among their most famous dishes are fried malanga, stuffed plantains, picadillo a la habanera, ropa vieja made ​​with mutton and black beans that each come with the signature dish.

Address:Callejón del Chorro #60, Plaza de La Catedral. Habana Vieja, La Habana, Cuba 30600

Area: Habana vieja

Phone:+53 7 8611332

email:[email protected]

Opening times:Monday - Saturday 12:00 - 22:00

Cuisine: Traditional, Cuban

Type: Restaurant

Facilities: Classic

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