Piano Bar La Maison

Amazing Colonial palace in Miramar with great catwalks and performance every evening organized in the terrace of the Palace. We recommend to get in early after dinner (don't eat here) and enjoy the latest designs and amazing models in a great catwalk, with cocktails and friendly staff. After midnight the terrace close down and there are concerts in the Piano Bar on the first floor. It's better to enjoy the catwalk atmosphere than the Piano Bar, but the concerts are usually good with local artists like Alain Daniel, Los Metalikos, El Yonky, or Wiliam el Magnífico.
Address:31 e/ 16 y 18, Miramar.
Phone:+53 7 204 1541
Days of the Week: Thursday, Wednesday
Type: Cocteleria, Concert Hall
Facilities: Classic, late-closing, afterwork
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