Farmacia y Drogueria Taquechel



Here you can also travel through time, it is an interesting pharmacy located in Bishop Street # 155 where you can enjoy great views over time whose shelves are full of boats porcelain style apothecaries grandmother and other objects related with the pharmacopoeia.

This great Pharmacy is totally worth your visit because you can find everything from ancient crystal chandeliers to a skeleton and a water purifier.

The Taquechel Pharmacy Museum was founded in 1996 in Old Havana with an extraordinary display of French porcelain jars magnificent nineteenth and pharmaceutical laboratories utensils of the time.

The building, which is located in the same place where Dr. Francisco Taquechel Mirabal established in 1898 a popular drug store also sells natural products for therapeutic purposes and homeopathic medicines. It is exposed in the famous Archaeology and Pharmacy collection, consisting of instruments and jars from existing pharmacies in Havana nineteenth century, found in excavations in the historical center of the city.

Type: Building

Year built:1996

Address: Calle Obispo Nro. 155, entre las calles Mercaderes y San Ignacio habana vieja

Area: Old Havana

Phone:+53 7 8629286

Opening times:mon- sun 09:00 – 17:00

Style: Colonial style

Area of interest: Architecture, History

Services: Museum, Shop

Recommended Features Nearby Farmacia y Drogueria Taquechel

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Antiguo Centro Asturiano, Plaza de Albear, Calle Obispo,